"Merging different, or even opposed subjects fascinates his reinterpreting classical themes in a modern key, juxtaposing color spots with more refined shades, opposing black and white with bright colors, figurative with abstract arts."

Manasse Rampino was born in Italy in 1989.
After graduating at the Art Istitute "G. Pellegrino" in pictorial decoration, he moved to Rome where he studied Cinema. From 2010 to 2018 he lived in Milan where he worked in the fashion industry and, since 2018, he lives in Dubai.
His academic background is in classical art, but he always felt an inclination to be instinctive in how he create.
He wanted art to reflect his love for colors so he started experimenting with these explosions of colors on canvas embraced pop and abstract art.
Merging different, or even opposed subjects fascinates his reinterpreting classical themes in a modern key, juxtaposing color spots with more refined shades, opposing black and white with bright colors, figurative with abstract arts.
While his art works are inspired by classical and pop art, he likes to mix opposite concepts like explosions of colors/black and white, abstract/figurative, classic/modern and color's spots/shades.
His vision can be enclosed in one word: CONTRAST.